Sponsorship from businesses and other organizations enables House of Fortitude to support disadvantaged populations.

How sponsorship helps House of Fortitude support disadvantaged populations

  • Subsidize rent costs and secure assets to house those in need

  • Providing and reinforcing life skills through Workshop Events on various topics led by experts in an engaging format

  • Formulating a plan of action for their future

  • Providing additional resources to follow through with their action plan

  • Transportation via Uber to workshop events, places of employment and other appointments

  • Periodic check-ins with the participants to ensure they are meeting their goals in preparation for a sustainable permanent lifestyle

Sponsorship Levels

Bronze $100

  • Receive a letter of sponsorship

Silver $250

  • Receive a letter of sponsorship

  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship on House of Fortitude website

Gold $500

  • Receive a letter of sponsorship

  • Logo and website link featured on House of Fortitude website

Platinum $1,000

  • Receive a letter of sponsorship

  • Logo and website link featured on House of Fortitude website

  • Quarter page advertisement in House of Fortitude Quarterly Newsletter

Diamond $5,000 or more

  • Receive a letter of sponsorship

  • Logo and website link featured on House of Fortitude website

  • Quarter page advertisement in House of Fortitude Quarterly Newsletter

  • Plaque of recognition to the sponsor for display

Sponsor Us